The Lemax company organizes the international „Girls in ICT Day“ under the name „ICT Supergirls“ which is traditionally celebrated in April, and so far over 240,000 girls and young women have taken part in more than 7,200 celebrations of International Girls in ICT Day in 160 countries worldwide.

The purpose of the event is to raise awareness of girls and young women about the opportunities in ICT, and to encourage them to consider their future career in the growing field of ICT.

The ICT Supergirls 2022 event will consist of a number of lectures and workshops presented by leading women of the Croatian ICT scene and female motivational speakers. They will share personal stories about their own career growth and the challenges they had successfully overcome in order to encourage girls to pursue a career in ICT, and to recognize the opportunities and challenges that lie within.

Sounds interesting?

Place: University of Algebra (Gradišćanska ul. 24, Zagreb)
Time: 13:00h

If you still haven’t decided which career to choose, come join our event and become inspired!

And if you want to be a part of our mentoring program “You can do IT” please send us a short motivation letter (250 – 300 words) to

Or become a presenter and share your journey from scratch to success and your experiences from the ICT sector.Do you like our story? Come and support our event as a sponsor!